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Fusion falters under soaring costs

"An international plan to build a nuclear fusion reactor is being threatened by rising costs, delays and technical challenges."

Category: Energy sources


Obama targets US public with call for climate action

"The Obama administration unveiled the most authoritative report to date on the effects of global warming in America today in an effort to persuade the public of the need to act now to prevent the sweeping and life-altering...

Category: Climate Change


German blue chip firms throw weight behind north African solar project

"Twenty blue chip German companies are pooling their resources with the aim of harnessing solar power in the deserts of north Africa and transporting the clean electricity to Europe."

Category: Energy sources


Manhattan floods, Chicago heatwaves and withering Californian vines: how scientists see the US in 75 years

"Hard-hitting report describes how America will be affected region by region if no action is taken on climate change"

Category: Climate Change


Sainsbury's brings green power to the checkout with 'kinetic plates'

"Store first in Europe to pioneer green energy system where customers create 30kW an hour by driving over plates in car park"

Displaying results 1166 to 1170 out of 2977